Saturday, October 9, 2010

[Editorial] An apology

It seems that I have finally managed to stir some commotion. I was quite surprised it took so long to get to this point.
I'll start with some context and reservations and end with the apology proper.
Writing here about my experiences and impressions as I travel in China (or other countries), is expected to bring with it good as well as bad experiences, and with writing on the fly what is happening, some of the views are expected to (and should) stir various opinions, which can be shared in the comments section. I'm expecting as well that I will be contradicting myself over time, as I experience new things and change my perspective. Getting a few people upset, is alas a part of the risk I'm taking with this kind of writing.
In addition, since I have no direct access to Blogger, I am posting in a very unedited version, writing on the fly when I have a chance, and so - writing unedited - can make some occasional stupid remarks that I would probably have not left otherwise. This "posting on the fly" is obviously evident in some of the mispelling and "mis-grammer" that you can find throughout the posts. As I write this, I realize that making grammatical or spelling mistakes can also cause some misunderstanding of the intended meaning.
Thus, I do expect anyone reading this Blog, to be aware of the above, and to be able to be a bit forgiving and patient when I occasionally sidestep, or make some stupid comments.
To the point at hand, then, Yunjun's remark seems to suggest that I somehow support this awful sentence: "no dogs and Chinese allowed". If anybody out there somehow understood this paragraph in a similar way, then I want to clarify 100% that this was not the intention or the meaning. I am far from calling any people dogs, or imply anything as such. I love Chinese people, have many Chinese friends, and would definitely have not been spending so much time travelling in this country if I had any such thoughts.
The realization that somebody could have interpreted my remark so wrongly is very upsetting for me - and I sincerely apologize to anyone who might have understood it this way. Hopefully nobody else did.
[ Some of the side remarks from Yunjun, I think are best left aside, as truthfully I fail to fully understand the intention - Yunjun, we can discuss those in person when I'm around Dublin again ]
The intention was quite simple, relating to customer rights to be served equally - something I learned to expect and believe in over time. The usage of this sentence, was intended to spice the description up, but obviously the associated implication intended is very loose and easy to miss. [ I would skip here the temptation to try and clarify further my original intention - this original comment is best left alone, and even better - deleted when I finally have proper access - it was the least important part of that post anyway. ]
Additionally, I have obviously chose poorly and have been stupid to have underestimated the kind of emotions this might bring up with people - which might (as it obviously has) take the conversation to a completely different direction than intended. So apologies for overstepping with using this very bad association.

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